The day I visited the Hugh Lane Gallery with no expectations I was impacted.
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“I could go over and write about how I love this art gallery, however, this temporary exhibition from an Irish artist - Patrick Graham has got me speechless.”
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Patrick Graham Exhibition
Entitled Transfiguration his artwork will be open to public with free admission. From 17 March - 10 July 2022. I must say no more words, go and visit if you are a fan of contemporary art.
The notable art collector Sir Hugh Lane gives name to what came to be known as the first public art museum in the world.
There is a permanent collection and host exhibitions. Important to mention the reconstruction of Francis Bacon's art studio and some of his works, showing how chaos is important for some in the creative process.
The building also has a book shop with personalised goodies, greeting cards, stationary and on the lower floor an adorable Coffee shop. It was a Wednesday afternoon when I came back and delighted myself once more. Super recommend a visit to this art place.
Enjoy some of the photos I did there!
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